
You found your credit card irreversibly damaged. Write a letter to your bank manager.

Jan 28, 2022 / General / 2:42 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You found your credit card irreversibly damaged. Write a letter to your bank manager. In your letter, you should say:
Who you are?
What happened to the card?
What would you like him/her to do?
Write at least 150 words.

Dear Manager,

I am writing this letter to issue a new credit card, as I found my existing card damaged irreversibly during a recent business trip.

I have been operating the current account number CA5122167 00932 at your bank for the past five years.  I should appreciate that your service has been really helping me in boosting my textile business.

Last week, during a business trip to Malaysia, I had an accidental fall from stairs of the hotel which I stayed. I was taken to the hospital on an emergency basis, and I was told I had no serious problems except some bruises on my leg. Later, at the time of clearing the bill, I found my credit card damaged, which I could not use any further.

It would be appreciated if you could issue a new card as soon as possible as it is crucial in carrying out my business smoothly. I hereby attach the old card, and I would like to know whether there are any further requirements.

I look forward for a prompt and positive reply.

Yours faithfully,


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