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Apr 07, 2019 / General / 12:21 am

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You have won a holiday to Sydney with one extra ticket. Write a letter to someone to invite them along with you. In the letter: – Explain what has happened and that you would like them to come – Give details of when the trip will … Continue reading “INFORMAL LETTER: HOLIDAY INVITATION”


Apr 06, 2019 / Academic / 11:47 pm

MODEL ANSWER: A statistical analysis of the proportion of students enrolled in music and their career preferences in a university in Australia from 2000 to 2006 is made in the given charts. The bar graph, which is given first, shows that female students had a significant affinity towards music over this period, in which their … Continue reading “COMBINATION CHART:”


Apr 05, 2019 / Academic / 1:56 pm

MODEL ANSWER: The rate of employment distributed in four different sectors in Zambia over a hundred years from 1890 is depicted in the given line graph. As per the graph, the country looks much similar to an agrarian one in most of the given period. In 1890, over 80% of the employees in Zambia were … Continue reading “LINE GRAPH: EMPLOYMENT PATTERN”


Apr 04, 2019 / Academic / 2:14 am

MODEL ANSWER: An assessment on the level of satisfaction of a company’s employees in three different countries over an eight-year period from 2010 is portrayed in the given solid line graph. As illustrated by the graph, the highest level of contentment was enjoyed by the company’s employees in Spain over this period. In 2010, this … Continue reading “LINE GRAPH: EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION”


Apr 03, 2019 / Academic / 12:47 am

MODEL ANSWER: The fluctuations in the annual census of students who graduated in Medicine from 2001 to 2005 are depicted in the given chart. As per the chart, the cones representing China are seen exceptional all through the period. The highest number of medical graduates produced by China was 0.14 million, in the year 2002. … Continue reading “CHART: MEDICAL GRADUATES”

These days, it is common to see that there is an increasing demand for branded products. Do you think this is a positive trend? Why?

Apr 02, 2019 / Academic / 1:04 am

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task. These days, it is common to see that there is an increasing demand for branded products. Do you think this is a positive trend? Why? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. … Continue reading “These days, it is common to see that there is an increasing demand for branded products. Do you think this is a positive trend? Why?”


Apr 01, 2019 / Academic / 3:56 pm

MODEL ANSWER: A statistical analysis of the average number of male and female visitors to the Central library in a day is clearly drawn in the given line graph. It is clear from the graph that the most number of visitors to the library are men, which becomes more prominent in the second part of … Continue reading “LINE GRAPH: LIBRARY ATTENDANCE”

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