
Category: General


Apr 23, 2019 / General / 5:50 am

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You saw an advert regarding a short-term course, which is scheduled to commence shortly. Write a letter to the concerned person to obtain some additional information on the course. In your letter, you should say: Who you are? How you...

Machine- made products have now replaced many hand- made products. Do you think the merits of this development outweigh its demerits? Why?

Apr 22, 2019 / General / 12:26 am

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task. Machine- made products have now replaced many hand- made products. Do you think the merits of this development outweigh its demerits? Why? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at...

It is better to save money than to spend it. How far do you agree with this statement? Is saving more important than spending in today’s world?

Apr 17, 2019 / General / 1:22 am

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task. It is better to save money than to spend it. How far do you agree with this statement? Is saving more important than spending in today’s world? Give reasons for your answer and provide ideas and examples from your own...


Apr 12, 2019 / General / 3:39 pm

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. Your friend’s child is unwell and is admitted to hospital. Write a letter to him/ her recommending a facility or service which can help them at this point. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as...

Write a letter to the chief editor of the magazine, which you read regularly suggesting some changes in its layout.

Apr 10, 2019 / General / 1:59 pm

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. Write a letter to the chief editor of the magazine, which you read regularly suggesting some changes in its layout. In your letter, you should say: Who are you? How well you are involved in reading the magazine? What changes...


Apr 07, 2019 / General / 12:21 am

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You have won a holiday to Sydney with one extra ticket. Write a letter to someone to invite them along with you. In the letter: – Explain what has happened and that you would like them to come – Give...


Mar 21, 2019 / General / 1:39 am

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You recently attended a course in another country but had to leave the course to return to your country. Write a letter to your teacher. In the letter, you should: – Thank him/her – Tell them your situation – Explain...

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