
Most people like to watch crime movies and crime-based TV programs. Why do you think people have more interest to watch them? What impact it has in the society?

Oct 10, 2019 / Academic / 2:17 pm

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
Most people like to watch crime movies and crime-based TV programs. Why do you think people have more interest to watch them? What impact it has in the society?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Most people are obviously interested in watching crime scenes on the box or at the cinema. The reasons for this phenomenon and its effects on the society are detailed in this essay.

The vital reason behind this is the curiosity the people has to these exposures. Many people are seen in front of the box even at late night watching these programs and it can be taken as a pertinent example for this. Another catalyst behind this is to make themselves aware of the present social situation, whether they stay safe in their society or not. Many make themselves sure that their lax behavior would not result in some unforeseen adverse consequences

Amidst of the drawbacks of this trend, this creates an alertness among the people to take care of themselves and their property. However, the drawbacks are numerous from emotional numbness to anti-social behavior. For example, if a child watches these types of programs regularly, he becomes strangulated when it comes to his personal feelings and the same do with older ones. Another issue is the social irresponsibility, and this is often seen at unattended accident cases. Finally, but the worst situation is when some of these characters change to anti-socials, which becomes a greater threat to the peaceful human life.

To conclude, there might be several reasons behind the popularity behind the crime stories and crime-based films on the most-viewed medium: the TV. I should add this is not a positive impact both to the individual and to the society.

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