

Aug 15, 2019 / Academic / 1:56 am


Information on the percentage distribution of candidates who acquired acceptable scores in IELTS and the mean score divided by genders,in the year 2015,is tabulated in the given tables.

As per the first table, the proportion of qualified candidates who had the purpose of professional medical registration outnumbered others. Of them, 2% could score band 9, which was exceptional. When 70% of them scored 7, nearly a third of them scored 8 and over a half scored 7.5. The next successful group was the candidates who appeared for non- medical registration, followed by immigration and employment candidates. Around 20 to 25% of candidates from these categories acquired band 7, but the proportion declined as the score advanced. Five groups managed to score band 8.5, though their rates were significantly less. Turning to the second table, it is very clear that the female candidates performed slightly better than their male counterparts in the mean band score and the disparity was just 0.2.

Overall, it is understood that the candidates who appeared for professional registration performed well in the exam and female candidates had a slight upper hand in the mean band score.

Word count:179

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