
The charts below show the percentage of water used by different sectors in Sydney, Australia, in 1997 and 2007.

Apr 11, 2024 / Latest academic task 1 / 9:23 pm

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The charts below show the percentage of water used by different sectors in Sydney, Australia, in 1997 and 2007.


The consumption pattern of water divided by five sectors in Sydney, a major Australian City, in 2007 when compared to the same in 1997 is depicted in the given pie diagrams.

Overall, it is clear that major changes occurred in the pattern of consumption in the food and service industries, with the former sector remaining the major consumer.

As per the charts, food industry used the lion’s share of water in Sydney in both the years. From nearly a half of the total consumption (48%) in 1997, the rate of use declined by 7% in 2007. However, the usage of water in the service industry had almost doubled between the years from just 13%.

The water consumption pattern of household and manufacturing sectors was almost inversely proportional over the period. When the former sector used 21% water, which was 2% more than in 1997, the latter sector used 11%, which was 4% less. The building industry used the least proportion of water in both years,  5% and 2%.

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