
Some people say that technology has made the life in this world easier than ever before. Others say life is becoming more and more complex with the advancement of technology. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Mar 22, 2024 / Expected writing task 2: 2024 / 7:34 pm


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that technology has made the life in this world easier than ever before. Others say life is becoming more and more complex with the advancement of technology. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.

There exists a controversy what technology has brought to mankind: boon or curse. I would like to agree with the first argument and the reasons are elaborated in the following paragraphs.

The main reason why critics believe that technology has made human life complex is because of the increased fragility of lifestyle among the new generation. To be clearer, overuse of technology brings an imbalance in their familial and social relationships. For example, an average adolescent spends more time on social media, which allows him less time to communicate freely with his family members. Similar is the case of a working professional who spends more time in front of his computer. Another issue is the rising concern of physical and mental health. Nowadays, people tend to evade physical exertion, partly or totally depending on technological assistance in the way they work at home or walk to their destinations. Insomnia, depression and emotional immaturity are just a few among the list of adverse impacts of technological overdependence.

On the brighter side, people could do much activities in a short span of time. Advancements in transportation has cut down the time people used to spend to travel. Internet, one of the promising technology has enabled man to do an array of complex activities within a short span of time, which was a dream in the past. Another advantage with technology is the reduction in cost and effort at work. For example, an excavator can replace at least 10 manual workers and complete a task at a lower cost and risk. Satellites have expanded the horizons of weather forecast, disaster management, space research, broadcasting and communication. Other crucial sectors which benefitted from technology are infrastructure, health, education and commerce.

To conclude, I believe when technology is used wisely, it is definitely bring positive outcomes to the mankind.


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