
The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that were more suitable and liveable for people in those times than they are now. What problems will this cause? What can be done to solve these problems?

Mar 17, 2024 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 9:00 pm

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that were more suitable and liveable for people in those times than they are now. What problems will this cause? What can be done to solve these problems? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.



A number of towns and cities exist across the world which were constructed several centuries ago. However, these are becoming increasingly inconvenient for dwellers these days. This essay intends to outline some of such difficulties and ways to encounter those.


The first concern which is reported is the issues with the infrastructure. To be precise, people in the past had a life with less influence of technology. Naturally their construction was according to the living conditions which existed then. However, in this ultramodern world, constructions are meant to be more adopted to technology which exist today and in near future. The next concern is the safety of such buildings. Many buildings in older cities have overcome many disasters in the past and is now under threat of collapse. Finally, the swelling population in today’s cities could not accommodate much people in old constructions which are constructed horizontally.


In order to address the first issue, an extensive revitalisation project is recommended. To make it clear, broader roads, stronger bridges and buildings which can suit the most modern technologies are needed. The solution to the next concern is reshaping such cities. This does not mean that all the old constructions should be demolished and reconstructed. After analysing the strength and rich heritage of the building, the decision should be made by the councils whether to strengthen the building or reconstruct it. The final issue can be addressed with the construction of vertical buildings, which can accommodate more people even in a small portion of the city.


To conclude, safety and growing demands of modern population are tangible issues with adjusting life in an old city. It would be recommended to modify such areas which can be adoptable for the new generation. However, this should be done without hindering the beauty of the masterpieces of our great ancestors.





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