
The pie charts below shows the budget of Greensbro in this year and last year, along with its projection in next year.

Feb 28, 2024 / Academic / 9:53 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts below shows the budget of Greensbro in this year and last year, along with its projection in next year. Summarise the information by selectng and reporting  the main features and make comparison where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


The pie charts give an account of how the current year’s budget allocation differed in the town of Greensboro when compared to the previous year’s, and how it would differ in the upcoming year.

Overall, it is clear that the town concentrated more on educational sector and on salaries. The trend is same now and is not expected to change in the next year.

As per the budget allocation at present, the lion’s share is spent on the functioning of schools in the town. This accounts for just above a third of the gross budget (35%). This is exactly 5% more than that of the previous year. At the same time, there was 5% drop in the fund allocation for roads when compared to the previous year’s (25%). The budget shares for disbursing salaries and for maintaining parks and recreation remained the same at 30% and 15% respectively.

When compared to the current year’s budget share allocation, next year is set to witness a hike in the proportion of both salaries and schools, and this is anticipated to be by 5%. However, a 10% deduction is predicted in the budget share of parks and recreation, while the fund allocation on roads is projected to be the same as this year.

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