
The diagrams below show UK students’ responses to the question of to what extent would they describe themselves as financially organised.

Feb 21, 2024 / Academic / 8:34 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagrams below show UK students’ responses to the question of to what extent would they describe themselves as financially organised. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The given pie chart represents the ability of the UK students to manage their finances and the table visualises the proportion of well-organised students at managing their finances divided by age from the total surveyed.

In general, majority of the UK students can manage their finances either fairly or very well.

As per the pie chart, over a half of the total students surveyed (55%) responded that they are fairly organised in their financial management, whilst just over a fifth confidently reported that they are very organised. When one in five said they are not very organised in this area, a negligible proportion(4%) admitted they are ‘not at all organised’.

As per the table, of the 21% students who were very organised in managing finances, the older outperformed their younger counterparts. The rate of very organised students over 26 was almost twice (35%) than that of the proportion of students under 22(18%). Around 26% of students between 23 and 25 could manage their finances very well.


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