
You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved there. Write a letter to your local newspaper.

Feb 15, 2024 / General / 9:51 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved there. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter:

  • say in general what you like about shopping in your area
  • say what is wrong with the facilities
  • suggest how they can be improved

Write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to seek your attention towards some improvements in facilities for the regular shoppers in Thomas Town.

As I am a permanent resident of the area, and ‘The Shopper’s Garden’, run by the local council, is my favorite shopping center. Since its opening in 2005, it has been serving the local people with an extraordinary shopping service. I rarely got disappointed with the options it has been providing: especially with the international products.

However, there exist certain areas which require further attention. The first is the inconvenience at the main entrance to this area. The narrow entrance often causes congestion, especially during peak hours. Another issue is the size of the parking area. As more shoppers are visiting the center every week, often customers have to park their cars outside.

It would be appreciated if you could refer this to the editorial and recommend them to publish a small article on this. As your newspaper is highly popular, I believe this would attract the attention of the respective persons regarding these issues.

I look forward from you a favorable reply.

Yours faithfully,

Tom John

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