
The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

Feb 06, 2024 / Academic / 7:49 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


The given bargraph depicts the duration of leisure time spent by tourists from four different nations while holidaying in Greece in August 2019.

Overall, though the aggregate time spent by all the four nationalities was the same, their preferences of leisure activities differed.

As per the chart, reading was the most preferred activity of both the Chinese and the Americans. When a Chinese citizen spent eight hours a day on reading books, an American resident spent five. The duration a Turkish and a Brazilian tourist engaged in this activity was the same: four hours.

Turning to the average amount of time spent at the Greek beaches, Brazilians stood first with six hours, which was an hour more than the Turkish visitors. In case of American and Chinese tourists, this duration was four and three hours respectively.

It is to be noted that visiting places was the least preferred activity . In case of American and Turkish tourists, it was three hours a day, an hour more than the Brazilian tourists. The Chinese spent just an hour a day in visiting places.



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