
In some countries, people are having children at later age in their life. What are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Jan 31, 2024 / General / 7:58 pm

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

In some countries, people are having children at later age in their life. What are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words. 

It is common to see that people in some countries prefer to have children at their later stage of life. The reasons for this appear to be purely personal, and the level of advantage or disadvantage also depends mostly on the persons who decide it.

The primary reason why people in some countries delay pregnancy is because of increased awareness towards women’s health and beauty. To be precise, modern women have realised the fact that a healthy child can be born and brought up only when the eligible couples are prepared, both physically and mentally. Some others think that early pregnancy could adversely affect their physical fitness and beauty.

Another pressing reason is because of the changed lifestyle of modern women. Unlike the past, most women have professional commitments these days, and a considerable proportion of them want to establish themselves in their respective fields by their own professional excellence. This requires utmost dedication, hard-work and patience. Such women perceive having a child at an early age would fade off their desires, and so decide to delay to become a mother.

When analysing the result of this delay, one can understand it is up to the person who makes such a decision. For example, in case of the first reason mentioned above, the subjective feeling is definitely positive. In case of the second situation, it can be either positive or negative. This is because some value profession more than expanding the family. However, there are rising cases of infertility among women who delay their conception.

To conclude, it is obvious that the fundamental reason why people in some countries hesitate to have children in their early adulthood is personal, and it is situational to decide whether is advantageous or disadvantageous.

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