
Some believe elderly people should live in nursing homes, others think they should live with the family members. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Jan 14, 2024 / Academic / 5:55 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some believe elderly people should live in nursing homes, others think they should live with the family members. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

There exists an argument whether the elderly people should live in care homes or with their own family members. Even though the decision of choosing between the options is difficult, in the present scenario, I would recommend the first option.

To begin, there are a considerable proportion of people who feel that it is totally unjustifiable to send the geriatric population away from their own places which they once thought they would live until their death. To explain it further, no individual feels happy when they lose their personal freedom and privacy at his own home. The intimacy with one’s own family members is invaluable, and this is compromised once he is moved to another place, no matter how much facilities it could offer. In short, the emotional setback the old age people are expected to face once this happens would be far beyond our expectations.

However, the reason why many recommend nursing homes for the aged is because they would get professional care and support. To be precise, the elderly need constant medical attention and physical assistance, and this can be best met in specially designed centers. In addition, they can be safe there and can carry out their daily activities with maximum possible independence. They would also get ample opportunities to socialize with their own peers, which would make them feel both energetic and enthusiastic. 

In my view, in many modern nuclear families, the aged would not get care and attention they are supposed to recieve. Although specialised care is available at home, it would be too expensive for many families in long run. 

To conclude, though life in nursing homes appears to be emotionally traumatic, I would suggest it for the aged considering the present family setup and the numerous services it offer.



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