
The table below shows information about age, average income per person and population below poverty line in three states in the USA.

Jan 08, 2024 / Academic / 8:57 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows information about age, average income per person and population below poverty line in three states in the USA. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.



The table gives information regarding the population in three states in the USA divided by age and economic status.

Overall, it can be seen than the situations in Utah are more secure than Florida and California.

Being the highest proportion of young people is in Utah, nearly 28% of its population is under 18. This is more than 10% than Florida’s (16%) and California’s (17%). On the other hand, the older population is the highest in Florida. The rate of people who is over 60 in Florida is 23%, which is exactly 10 more than California’s and 15 more than Utah’s.

Turning to the annual earnings of an average individual, California stands first. This accounts for $23,000, which is $1000 more than an individual in Florida, and $6000 more than a resident of Utah. However, 16% of its population live under the poverty line, which is 4% more than in Florida. Utah has the least proportion of people living under the poverty line (9%).

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