
In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone app is becoming increasingly common. Does these development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Nov 29, 2023 / General / 6:43 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone app is becoming increasingly common. Does these development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words.

It is a fact that more and more people are utilising digital payment facilities on their smartphones. This has definitely made their life more convenient, however some hidden dangers should not be overlooked.

The most tangible advantage of using a mobile phone application for making a payment is that it saves time and effort of the customer. For instance, in the past, if an individual had to make a purchase, he had to carry currency to the shop.  And if he had not enough money for the product purchase, he had to arrange more cash from either the bank or the bank machine. However, at present, he can purchase the product or the service of his choice online in seconds with the help of a mobile phone application like google pay.

Another advantage which the digital payment offers is that it keeps transparency of accounts. To be precise, in a payment application on a smartphone, a user could see records such as his available balance, amount spent and trends on weekly or monthly expense. This would help him to plan his finance in advance and make payment accordingly. Modern day technologies also offer customers the privilege of making online payments in multiple currencies.

On the darker side, one of the issues with this type of payment is that it is more likely to make unwanted purchases. To be clearer, adverts like Black Friday and Boxer Day offers persuade online customers to buy products which they do not really need in their daily life. Another expected concern is online fraudulence, which customers with lax security tend to lose their money.

In conclusion, though there are some concerns, it appears to be more beneficial for people to pay for a product or service using their mobile phone applications.

Word count: 296

Expected score: 6.5



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