
A playing field close to where you live has been sold by local council to make way for a new superstore and petrol filling station. It is a much needed green space within a densely populated area which you and your family regularly use for exercise, sports and other leisure activities. You are very much opposed to the new development going ahead. Write a letter to the council.

Nov 20, 2023 / General / 9:19 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

A playing field close to where you live has been sold by local council to make way for a new superstore and petrol filling station. It is a much needed green space within a densely populated area which you and your family regularly use for exercise, sports and other leisure activities. You are very much opposed to the new development going ahead. Write a letter to the council. In your letter:

  • Write who you are
  • Explain why you object to the development
  • Outline the environmental and social impacts that this planned development will have on your local community.

Write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or madam,

I am a resident of Cox Town and I am writing this to raise a concern about the plan of transforming a playground in my vicinity to a new superstore and petrol filling station.

You might be aware that our area houses around 5000 people, and the only place for us to exercise and relax is the aforementioned playing field. The ground is spherical and has huge trees around, which are over 100 years old. My family and I are among a few who use this ground to jog in the mornings and evenings. In addition to a tennis court, a basketball court and a kids’ area, the local children practise football there.

If the plan comes a reality, all those trees have to be fell, which would shrink the green space in our locality considerably.  In terms of the social perspective, it would put an end to the local residents’ desire, including me to stay physically fit. Our children have just formed an amateur football club, and all the hardships behind it would be in vain. Therefore, I would request you to reconsider the decision considering the adverse effects it would cause to the environment and the local community.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


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