
Societies that do not respect and honour their women can never make progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nov 04, 2023 / General / 7:14 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Societies that do not respect and honour their women can never make progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words.


The position of women is a much debatable topic at least for the past two centuries. Some opine that a country can hardly progress if negligible honour and respect are given to its women, to which I agree completely.

The prime reason why I align to the viewpoint is because of the fact that each and every individual in a society is born to a woman, and raised by the female gender in most cases. To explain it further, compared to animals, human growth and development is slower and much complex. It is not only just based on the physical growth, but also the intellectual and emotional growth. As women play a key role in the early developmental stages of a child, less respect and honour given to them would affect the respective society adversely.

The next reason is because it creates an imbalance in the society. If women are not receiving dignity in the society, their gender is oppressed. To make it clearer, in those societies, in which women are not respected, the rate of crimes like rape and sexual abuse would be higher. Considering the fact that at least a woman will be there in each family, such incidents would result in severe emotional trauma among the victims, and this would be directly reflected in the society, and eventually in the country.

Instead, in countries where women enjoy almost an equal position with men, conditions are much better. In such countries, the performance of women is often superior to men in some areas. Landmark success stories are made by women in areas such as education, art, business and even in space technology.

In conclusion, it is clear that as women play an integral part in every country’s progress, they should be duly respected and honoured.



Word count: 296

Expected score: 6 to 6.5

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