
Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your friend who is an amateur musician.

Nov 04, 2023 / General / 5:42 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your friend who is an amateur musician. In your letter

  • ask your friend to perform at the wedding
  • describe why he/she would be suitable for this event
  • explain how your friend will be compensated if he/she agrees.

Write at least 150 words.

Dear Patrick,

It’s long since we wrote in between. Hope you got yourself busy this Halloween.

I have a surprise news for you. Susanna is getting married on 28th of next month. You definitely know the groom; and that’s James, her boyfriend. You know that music is her passion, and she has asked me to host a musical event for her.

I had not a second thought, because you are the best among our friends who can entertain the youth with your perfect rocking music. I also heard that you had about a dozen of programs this Halloween. Above all, you know the pulse of each of us, and can perform accordingly.

I can understand the cost of a musical night. We all need to support you. So, we definitely are going to pay more than what you are getting now for an event. I’m hereby enclosing a cheque of $500 as a token advance.

Expecting your prompt response.






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