
It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should focus on people in their own countries. To what extent you agree or disagree?

Jul 18, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 1:56 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should focus on people in their own countries. To what extent you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples if any,  from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words. 



 It is argued that every government should concentrate on the welfare and solve the problems of its citizens since it is hardly practical to help all people in the world. I feel the argument is true to a great extent.

To begin, it has to be understood that there are a number of diverse issues in different parts of the world. This can be social, economic, political or environmental, and the severity of these issues too varies. The fact is that each country has populations of different lifestyles and cultures, and the way which it solves these issues would be different from another country. For example, it is very difficult to solve an environmental problem in an African country by a European or Asian country. Similarly, it is difficult to solve the migration crisis in Europe by the USA or Australia.

However, when the respective governments focus their attention towards their own population, the assistance would become more effective. This is because each government knows the primary concerns of its people. The existing systems can reach out to each citizen swiftly, whether it is in case of solving the problems or to upgrade the standard of living. Barriers like communication within the system, transport and huge financial investment exist, but these would not be as challenging as helping citizens of another country. Overall, the end results of domestic assistance is more promising than rendering an international aid.

I admit that international organisations like UNICEF are doing a commendable job in extending its services to almost all parts of the world. Yet, the problems are still at large in many countries, and hence it is practical to solve these in the local level.

To conclude, though there are instances when countries can help each other, it is better for a government to focus on its own population.

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