
Some people believe that non-academic subjects should be removed from the school syllabus so that children can concentrate only on academics. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Jun 07, 2022 / Expected task 2: 2022 / 4:26 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that non-academic subjects should be removed from the school syllabus so that children can concentrate only on academics. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.


It is argued that in order to make students concentrate in their academics, school should exclude non-academic subjects from the curriculum. However, I feel this is not a rational idea.

The primary reason why I tend to disagree to the suggestion is because excluding such subjects would bring more negative effects than the most expected positive outcome. To be precise, most students may feel monotonous and bored at the class if they listen only to lectures or practice theoretical instructions. One should understand that the minds of the young students are tender and easily exhausted, and therefore non-academic subjects in the curriculum are more likely to rejuvenate them.

The second reason why I support the existence of non-academic subjects in the school curriculum is because it nurtures many hidden talents of young children. To be clearer, many students may be excellent singers, musicians or painters and only when related subjects are taught, these talents can be explored and fostered. Instead, if these subjects are removed from the curriculum, not only such talents remain hidden, but also there would be a rise in the rate of dropouts.

I admit that in certain situations, some students would get overly obsessed towards non-academic subjects, and are eventually seen disinterested in studies. There are also a few situations when students lose concentration when such subjects are included in the syllabus. However, the number of such incidents is reported fewer when compared to the innumerable merits of the inclusion of such subjects in the curriculum.

To conclude, though there are circumstances when non- academic subjects can distract studious students, if perceived in a wider angle, the existence of such subjects in the syllabus is almost inevitable, especially in this tech-savvy world.

Word count: 286


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