
As the problem of traffic congestion is becoming severe, many consider car-pooling the best option. In your opinion, how effective it would be? Why?

Jun 20, 2019 / Academic / 4:50 pm

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.

As the problem of traffic congestion is becoming severe, many consider car-pooling the best option. In your opinion, how effective it would be? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

A number of solutions are drawn out to mitigate the problem of the rising concern of traffic congestion, in particular. One such solutions is car-pooling. Even though it sounds good, to my mind,it appears to be less practical.

Firstly, a car is a private property, and not many would be generous to show the courtesy to accommodate others to their private cars. It hinders their privacy, comfort and the pleasure of one’s driving. Keeping a uniform time is the next challenge. Different offices have different timing for their entry and exit and so do other institutions such as schools. Hence, maintaining a convenient and an ‘assured pickup’ is not often practical. Moreover, driving is a responsible duty and only a few would be ready to shoulder it in every aspect. Another major difficulty is for the so called ‘vulnerable gender’,the women, as they feel unsafe commuting with strangers. Many untoward incidents are reported and this makes car-pooling less popular among this group.

However, in case of metro cities,where the problem of traffic congestion is at its peak, this appears to be a better option. The city-dwellers are more in number and they get quite enough vehicles for car-pooling . Another advantage here is the presence of a considerable proportion of commuters to a particular destination at a time. Yet,in certain cases this method is proven less-effective.

To conclude, though there are situations in which car-pooling is highly recommended, I do not feel that it is the best way to tackle the problem of congestion.

Word count:252

Courtesy: Jyothsna

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