
Educating young people is naturally important. However, some think governments ought to invest more education for adults in need. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Mar 23, 2022 / Expected task 2: 2022 / 3:05 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Educating young people is naturally important. However, some think governments ought to invest more education for adults in need. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words. 

It is argued that governments should give more priority to educate adults who urge to study, in a similar way they prioritize educating the youth. Even though it appears to be less fruitful, I think it is the responsibility of any government to support education at any age.

The fundamental reason why I think there should be an almost equal priority in educating people irrespective of their age is because of the fruitfulness education can bring to a person’s life. To be precise, young students are thought to be the pillars of the nation’s economy. When they grow up, they would choose their own career of interest with attractive salary, and make their life beneficial to themselves as well as to the society around.

When it comes to the older ones, especially those who are in their adulthood, the primary motive of study may be different. For some, it may be for their career upgradation, while for some, it may be because of their genuine interest towards the subject. There are instances of successful researchers in multiple fields who had completed their specialized education only after they became adults.

There are critics who think that the tax-payer’s money should not be wasted on educating adults, as they are self-sufficient to pursue their education. Although there is some truth in this, I believe those adults who are extremely serious about studies should be given genuine financial support from the state.

To conclude, though there are people who think that investing more on educating adults is illogical, pointing at the fact that education is an invaluable asset which can definitely bring success at any age, I would oppose it.

Word count: 277

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