
In some countries, children are spending more and more time playing by themselves and less time playing with other children. What are the reasons behind this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Mar 03, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 3:07 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In some countries, children are spending more and more time playing by themselves and less time playing with other children. What are the reasons behind this? Is it a positive or negative development?


It is common to see that in some countries, children enjoy playing by themselves rather than involving in a group to play. The core reasons behind this can be attributed to the changing life-style of people and the over-influence of technology, and it appears to be more negative in nature.

One of the primary reasons behind this seclusion is the tremendous change which has occurred in the lifestyle of people in the modern world. In the past, people lived in joint families, and they had got enough time to take care of their children. There were more number of children in these families, and they played a variety of games in groups. However, as time advanced, nuclear families evolved, and permissions were not granted for children to play outside, as most parents started considering it as unsafe.

The second key reason is the intrusion of technology into the lives of children. To be precise, today’s children have the provision of playing advanced video games and virtual reality games online, sitting inside the four walls of their houses. This passively arrests them in their own private spaces rather than socializing with other children.

When analysing the effects of this trend, not many could say it has more positive impacts as they feel socialising is an essential part of human existence. To explain it further, children have to learn from their surroundings, especially from their peers, or else it may affect their coping mechanism adversely in future. At the same time, one needs to consider the concern of parents that not all situations are safe for children at present.

To conclude, it is obvious that two of the aforementioned reasons play a crucial role in creating a hesitation among children to play with other children around, and most people perceive it as a negative trend.


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