
TV channels broadcast men’s sports shows more than women’s sport shows. Why is this the case? Should TV channels give equal show-time for each?

Feb 07, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 5:16 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

TV channels broadcast men’s sports shows more than women’s sport shows.
Why is this the case?
Should TV channels give equal show-time for each?

It is a fact that sports which showcase men are telecasted more when compared to women’s sport shows. The only tangible reason behind this is because of the viewer’s rating, and hence it is irrational to suggest that TV channels should give equal telecasting time for both genders’ sport shows.

When analyzing the core reason why men’s sports are showcased more, the most visible one is the rating given by the viewers. To be precise, most TV channels are commercial today, and they depend heavily on the advertisements. As the competition in the broadcasting industry is tighter than ever before, the owners of the TV channels are keen in telecasting programmes like English Premiere League which a wider population is interested in. Through multiple researches, they came to the conclusion that sports which showcase men have more viewers than those which portray women. Therefore, they naturally focus more on such programmes.

It is suggested that gender equality should be maintained in every field, and sports shows cannot be exempted from it. This is really a pressing issue, but in the practical sense, this would not happen. The reason which makes it irrational is the monetary aspect. To be clearer, most TV channels need to maximize their profit, and an equal show-time can be hardly accepted by them. To explain it further, when the equality is maintained, many potential viewers would shift their interests somewhere else, and the channels would lose a sizeable proportion of its viewers. This would question their existence.

To conclude, it is clear that the popularity of men’s sports among the public is the root cause why the TV channels focus more on such events than the women’s. One should also realize that the notion of an equal show-time is not always logical.

Word count: 296

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