
A recent survey has shown that people of all ages are losing the ability to perform basic practical tasks and processes at work. What do you think are the main causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Dec 29, 2021 / General / 2:11 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

A recent survey has shown that people of all ages are losing the ability to perform basic practical tasks and processes at work. What do you think are the main causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Studies have proven that the ability of a person to do practical tasks and processes at work is getting declined day by day. There are two main reasons for this, and it is nearly impractical to solve this problem.

The fundamental cause behind this issue is the advancement of technology. To be precise, unlike the past, people have access to sophisticated technology, no matter what their age and gender is. For example, in the past, a billing clerk used to calculate in his own mind. However, computers do the calculations faster and more accurately, and therefore ease a clerk’s work at present. The ultimate result is total dependency on technology.

The second reason behind this problem is the changed circumstances. To be clearer, many who are at work do not require doing these types of basic tasks. This is not only because of automation, but also because of specialization. Many companies have specialized professional assistance like repairing a copier, changing a fused bulb or operating a generator when the power goes off. Thus, many people at work do not even observe how to do all these things.

One needs to admit that it is hard to reverse the situation. However, it can be suggested that the basic practical skills can be made familiarized to people once they are young, especially at schools and this would benefit them some time in future. Social media applications can also play a vital role in making it more familiar.

To conclude, it is obvious that these days people are under-performers when a situation arises to showcase their basic practical tasks at work. When the blame should go to the changed life-style and technology, reverting the situation is difficult.

Word count: 284

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