
Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Dec 08, 2021 / Academic / 2:35 am


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issues.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.  Write at least 250 words. 


It is suggested that the most viewed TV entertainment programmes have the responsibility of making aware the people about the key social problems. Even though it is not always practical, I need to admit that the suggestion has its own relevance in the modern society.

 The key reason why I think in a similar way is because of the growing social problems in a global scale. Unlike the past, the world is becoming more complex in nature, and the rate of disruptions in the society is rising in an unparalleled manner. At this juncture, the best way to make people aware of these is through visual media like TV and other social media applications. In case of the former way, we can target more number of people during a popular program, but in the case of latter, it is unsure that it would.

 Another reason why I would align with the view is because most of these programmes are commercial in nature, and has a lot of sponsors. It is seen that telecasters find ample time in between their programmes to exhibit adverts. If this is the case, it is a rational thought that they should address the social problems too along with those. Finally, it is the liability of these entertainment media to do this, as they enjoy much freedom.

 It is to be noted that a telecaster has some limitations in doing this always. For example, if social awareness is included in some programmes, there would be challenges in his overall objective, and he might lose potential viewers.

 To conclude, owing to the increasing social problems and the popularity of TV as an entertainment media, the suggestion of including social awareness in highly-rated programs is a good idea. However, it is a fact that it is not always practical.


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