
Some people say that it is better for school-leavers to start work immediately. Others say that to be successful, school-leavers should go to university first. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Dec 06, 2021 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 5:57 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people say that it is better for school-leavers to start work immediately. Others say that to be successful, school-leavers should go to university first. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



There exists a controversy regarding the time when a person should start his work. While some opine that it is better to work right after their schooling, others recommend students to complete their university education before opting for a career. I align to the second view, and the reasons for the same are discussed in the following paragraphs.

On the one hand, the key reason behind the former group’s argument is that it saves a person’s valuable time. To be precise, they point at the longer duration of a university course, and suggest that this time could be better used to gain experience and earn some money to become financially independent. When these people can work, earn and pursue their studies simultaneously, a student who joins a university has to wait between three to five years to complete his university education.

On the other hand, others have an opposing view, and the most probable reason behind it is because of the changed requirement criteria for a career. To be clearer, in the past, a person had not struggled too much to find a job and secure his life. Today, the world has become more competitive and most employers had raised the minimum qualification to graduation. A university degree ensures minimum skills and knowledge in a particular field, and has specialised theory sessions, which are very crucial when assuming a critical job. For example, a doctor or an engineer has to combine both theoretical as well as practical skills in his career.

After analysing both views in detail, there are obvious benefits when a person can find his career immediately after his schooling. However, in this world of cut-throat competition, I feel the acquisition of a university degree is much vital for a person’s success.

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