
The world should have one government rather than a national government for each country. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Sep 28, 2021 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 3:22 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

The world should have one government rather than a national government for each country. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words.



It is proposed by some that the world should be under the rule of a single government rather than being ruled by regional governments. Although the idea is good, in the practical sense, I feel it brings more troubles than benefits.

 When each country is ruled by its own regional government, the first benefit is that it can focus on the developmental process more effectively. To be precise, such governments can have short-term plans, which can concentrate on specific objectives, and execute it much productively. For example, if a region has problems in education because of lack of skilled teachers, the problem can be addressed without taking much time by such a government. On the other hand, when ruled under a single government, this is least likely to happen within a shorter span of time, as there would be more serious problems in other parts of the world.

 The second major advantage is that it can address the local interests in a better way. To be clearer, the regional political interests are most likely to be different from the global interest. For example, when most countries favour tourism, there are countries which have strict rules for tourists. Similarly, different parts of the world have different cultures and traditions, including food and clothing preferences, which are well-addressed by their own governments. Under a global government, this would cause serious conflicts.

 Nevertheless, when the world comes under one umbrella, global issues can be effectively met. The problems of pollution, climate change, drug trafficking and terrorism are still at large because individual governments are not co-operating to the global norms.

 To conclude, when the world is brought under one government, there are obvious benefits. However, in the present situation, it is better to be under individual governments because of better governance.


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