
Weddings are more expensive in many countries when compared to the past. What is the reason behind this? Is this a positive or negative development?

Sep 03, 2021 / Academic / 3:09 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Weddings are more expensive in many countries when compared to the past. What is the reason behind this? Is this a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words. 


It is common to see that people in many countries spend an exorbitant amount of money on weddings. There are two main reasons behind this trend, and it seems that spending beyond a limit is always negative.

 The first probable reason behind this trend is because of the increased economic independence of people when compared to the past. In the past, weddings and other auspicious occasions had more social involvement, and the influence of money was not much significant. As the economic standards of people got upgraded to the next level, the situation started to reverse. For example, the expense of an average wedding in many rich families would be more than an firm’s monthly or even yearly staff salary.

 The second reason behind this appears to be the changing social attitude of people. In the past, marriage functions were not so materialised. For instance, dress, ornaments and related accessories were used in a limited manner. However, now, people want to exhibit their economic status to others, and they feel that ceremonies like wedding are the most appropriate circumstances to do that. Thus, marriage becomes not only significant to the bride and groom, but also to their families and ‘special invitees’. Naturally, the budget would go high.

 Although it is acceptable to have a decent celebration on such auspicious occasions, for most of the families, it seems to be a huge economic burden. To explain it further, it has now become a social custom to spend a huge sum on these occasions. While in case of the affluent, it appears to be an opportunity to exhibit their pride and power, it becomes a liability for the rest who are the majority.

 To conclude, albeit, it is acceptable to spend some amount of money to make wedding ceremonies memorable; it is totally unwise to have extravagant spending.

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