
Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time and have health problems as a result. Why do so many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

Aug 27, 2021 / Academic / 8:01 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time and have health problems as a result. Why do so many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words. 


Nowadays majority of the working population is not getting adequate physical exercise these days and are often found morbid. There are two possible reasons behind this, and the problem can be solved only when individuals take primary initiative.

The fundamental reason is the lack of time. To be precise, these days the working situations have become more competitive and insecure, so that many employees are required to stay at work for longer hours. A recent report says that many employees are failing to maintain a good work-life balance because of the toxic work situations. 

Most of the working staff today see exercise as a second priority, and this is another reason. To be clearer, after a hectic work schedule, they would prefer to either relax or engage in some entertainment activities rather than at gyms. Even if they do some exercise, that would not be regular, and if it is, the time they spend would be inadequate. This is because they have other priorities in their life, and not because of ignorance regarding the importance of exercise.

When addressing the first challenge, a working individual should make use of every available opportunity to be physically agile. For example, an employee can walk to his office or can climb the stairs instead of using an escalator. The second issue is to inculcate some interest among these people about regular exercise. This can be best done by constant self-motivation. Employers can also provide a tempting environment for their employees to exercise like the availability of gyms.

To conclude, it is clear that the basic reasons behind this lack of exercise among todays working individuals is personal, and they themselves can rectify the problem to a great extent with some sorts of external support.

Word count: 291

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