
It is said that when women head the governments, there would be less corruption and effective governance. Do you agree or disagree?

Jul 22, 2021 / Academic / 3:55 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

It is said that when women head the governments, there would be less corruption and effective governance. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words. 


Good governance is always something people urge for, and it can be achieved only when a number of factors balance at varying proportions. If  argued that women can be better administrators than men, I cannot agree to it wholeheartedly.

The first reason why I do not express my complete agreement is because of the fact that the basis of any strong government is not actually the person who is heading it. It is the good vision and strong determination of the government, combined with the co-operation of its citizens. A strong leader, whether a man or a woman, cannot stick to the chair, if other factors in the administration are not favourable. Therefore, it is to be understood that individuals have less importance in a successful government.

On the other hand, if gender is considered, one can see many effective leaders from both genders, and all of them have not emerged from the female gender. Another factor to be considered is that across the world, the proportion of women who are in the government is comparatively less. The situation is not different in the most developed countries of the world. Unless this proportion is made equal, a logical comparison is impractical, I think.

I have to admit that there emerged a handful of eminent female leaders in different parts of the world within the limited participation in the government. Although this  showcases their potentials, I still do not believe only this can bring down corruption and establish an effective governance.

To conclude, though there were a number of eminent female leaders across the world, and still there are, one cannot completely agree that women leaders can tackle the problem of corruption more effectively than men and rule the government better than them. 

Word count: 292

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