
You have recently attended a two-day course, and now the course organizer is asking for your review and comments. Write a letter to the course organizer.

Jul 21, 2021 / General / 6:03 pm

You have recently attended a two-day course, and now the course organizer is asking for your review and comments. Write a letter to the course organizer.

In your letter, you should:

  • describe the course
  • explain whether or not you liked the course, and why
  • provide some suggestions for improvement.

Dear Mr Sam,

This letter is been written in response to your request to review and comment on the two-day course which you organised last week.

First of all, I have to express my sincere gratitude towards you for arranging such a wonderful session on the changing trends on marketing. The fifteen-hour long class which was conducted on Friday and Saturday of last week was very much productive, I must say.

Professor Alden, who led the class is one of the eminent speakers on modern marketing techniques, and has enriched us with immense knowledge and information. His interactive sessions gave us an opportunity to rectify many doubts and speculations. We have never felt bored at any time during his sessions.

However, most participants were not so happy that the second part of the course is not recently scheduled. It would be better for the participants to connect their ideas if there is a smaller gap between the schedules.

Once again thanking you for the wonderful opportunity,

Yours sincerely


Word count: 169

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