
Many people believe that the internet has a bigger impact on people’s lives because it is more popular than television. Do you agree or disagree?

Jul 08, 2021 / General / 5:06 am

Many people believe that the internet has a bigger impact on people’s lives because it is more popular than television. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support you position.

It is a fact that internet has overshadowed TV in the previous century itself. However, I cannot perceive this better popularity as the real reason behind the expanding influence of internet in every sort of human life.

In the past, the uses of the internet were limited, and it was commonly seen as a better substitute to the television. Until it became popular, TV was the best source of information and entertainment. With advanced features of presentation services, the internet could easily outweigh the television. When TV could not expand its catering other than these two features, internet started invading the monopoly in every walk of human life.

The most visible impact which the internet has made in the life of the humans other than information and entertainment is the communication excellence. Compared to the past, when months and years were taken to convey a message between countries or continents, it shortened the duration to just under a minute. With improvements in live video call and call conferencing, it is still expanding its popularity in this field.

The next is in the field of commerce. These days trade between societies is heavily depended on the internet. Online trading companies like Alibaba and Amazon are ruling the e-commerce sector in many countries. Benefits of this like saving time, range of options and cost affordability make people prefer internet shopping to the traditional one. Internet has also bigger impacts in other key fields like health and education. 

To conclude, it is clear that the internet has easily overcome the challenges posed by TV in case of its services long ago. Now, it has become an inevitable part of human life, and thus one can undoubtedly say not just because of its superiority over TV has made it this much popular.


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