
High job demands, stress and sense of commitment are among the main reasons people go to work when they are ill. This way they accomplish important tasks, but may infect others or get some serious health problems themselves. In your opinion should people go to work if they are sick?

Feb 02, 2021 / General / 4:50 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
High job demands, stress and sense of commitment are among the main reasons people go to work when they are ill. This way they accomplish important tasks, but may infect others or get some serious health problems themselves.
In your opinion should people go to work if they are sick?
Support your point of view with relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is common to see a great number of employees work even if they are ill as this helps them to accomplish vital tasks. It is however argued that the situation is vulnerable for both those who do this and those around them, and hence they should abstain from work when they are ill. I too agree to the opinion to a greater extent.

The first reason behind my argument is because of the fact that productiveness of an employee is directly related to his physiological and psychological wellbeing. To be precise, if an employee is either physically ill or disturbed at his mind, it can actively or passively affect his performance at work. For example, those who are physically ill might have limitations at work, and they naturally have to strain to their extremes to compensate their weakness. This extra effort which they deliver at work is most likely would result in both physical and mental exhaustion, and eventually they would become more sick.

The second reason why I am against going to work when an employee is not well is because they are highly potential of making his co-workers unwell. To be clearer, an employee is mostly in touch with his work chain, which includes his superiors, colleagues and subordinates. It is almost clear that there would be higher chances of spreading the disease causing organisms to others, when an employee is infected. Therefore, his presence at work not only is harmful to himself, but also vulnerable to those around him.

I need to admit that there are employees who are ill, for example, with cardiac problems and obesity are able to work longer and safer even if they are ill. This happens in job situations which are highly demanding, stressful or with a sense of commitment.

To conclude, though there are situations which employees can work even if they are ill, I think in most cases, it is an unwise idea as it proves detrimental for both those who do that and to those who are in touch with them at work.

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