
Some say students at university should pursue a part-time job, while others think it should be purely optional. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nov 25, 2020 / Academic / 2:14 pm

Some say students at university should pursue a part-time job, while others think it should be purely optional. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


The need of a part-time job at university is really a debatable topic for many years. At one end of the argument, some recommend it strongly, whereas others feel it has to be optional. It is topical to analyze both these views in detail before framing a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, those who do not feel a part-time job a necessity state that a university student should have more time to concentrate in his studies. For example, these students have their theory and practical hours, research and project works, which are to be performed in a near perfect manner. They add these jobs can absorb more physical and mental potentials from them, which would have been better utilized in their studies. Finally, they recommend such jobs suit only for those students who are capable of coordinating their schedules effectively.

On the other hand, those who recommend such jobs point out that it can be extremely beneficial when the students move to take up their career. Most employers think some exposure to the field is better than employing an inexperienced. In addition, students can ease their financial burdens such as the university fee and other personal expenses, when they are into this field. Finally, at a point of transition, from a student to an employee, it equips the student to learn to cope with different life situations, so that they may face little hardships in their future.

After analyzing both these views in detail, though part-time jobs seem to be a burden for many students at university, I feel it can play a cardinal role in shaping a student’s future.

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