
It is the responsibility of each individual to preserve his own language, and so he should not promote any foreign languages in his society. Do you agree? Why?

Mar 25, 2020 / Academic / 5:06 am

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
It is the responsibility of each individual to preserve his own language, and so he should not promote any foreign languages in his society. Do you agree? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Many believe that, every individual has the responsibility to prevent his language from getting extinct by not encouraging the use of a foreign language in his own society. I cannot completely justify this statement because of some specific reasons.

To begin with, diversity of languages and their use prevents people from communicating each other in a global perspective. To be precise, almost every language in this world is derived from specific cultures and traditions. The link between a language and the life-style of a person who uses it is generally strong. So this unique bonding hardly allows an individual to use his native language as a global language. Therefore, he needs to perceive the essence of an international language, which makes him more competent in the current world.

I strongly agree that it is the responsibility of the native speaker to defend his mother tongue from the verge of extinction. However, I believe this should not be at the cost of abstaining from using a foreign language. This can be possible when he interacts with his own social beings in his native language and uses a foreign language to communicate with his foreign friends. Hence, it is clear that a person can preserve his local language without discouraging the use of any foreign languages.

There is an argument that promoting foreign languages can dilute the local culture and tradition, and thereby can dissuade people from using their own language. However, I think this happens in rarest cases.

To conclude, I think that, each individual should take the responsibility to save their language. At the same time, they should also understand the significance of other languages, cultures and traditions.

Word Count: 278

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